Saturday, August 25, 2018

"The Neroic Parables": Excerpt from Akadzib

The Master, adorned with gorgeous apparel and shining in gold, masked & wearing a crown, came upon his disciples unannounced and asked for a glass of water.

The first disciple, overawed, bowed & scraped & groveled at the Lord's feet, asking whether he would like the priceless wine instead.

The second disciple, disgusted by the stranger's pomp, sneered & suggested he buy his own water, since he was so rich.

The third disciple said nothing, but gave a glass of water.

The Master left and returned a short while later clad in beggar's garments & hooded that his face was hidden, and he asked his disciples for a glass of water.

The first disciple, disgusted by the stranger's lowliness, sneered & suggested he find someplace else to beg.

The second disciple, moved to tears by the stranger's misfortune, fell all over himself to provide for his every need, asking whether he would like the priceless wine instead.

The third disciple said nothing, but gave a glass of water.

The Master left and returned yet again, but without disguise. He asked of his disciples whether anyone had been by in his absence.

The first disciple told the Master of the princely guest who had graced them with his presence, and of the filthy beggar they had turned away.

The second disciple told of the arrogant fool who had deemed himself so superior, and of the poor soul they had helped and given charity.

The third disciple said to his Master, "None were present in your absence."

The Master asked of him, "What do you mean by this?"

"Thou wast the king and the hermit," replied the disciple.

The Master inquired yet further: "And how did you see this?"

"I looked neither to your garments, nor to your gestures. I felt thy presence and was filled with fear and trembling."

He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

- The Neroic Parables

Akadzib: The Collected Writings of Franco Apophis Saint-Fond will be republished on the Fall Equinox.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Fall Equinox :: Publication Day

When Set the World on Fire was banned, the following books were simultaneously pulled from publication:

Another book, from Sun & God’s keep, has simply sold out.

The second editions of each of these titles will be republished on the Fall Equinox.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

*Set the World on Fire* Explained

A video explaining the book and its contents:

To purchase the book, go here.

*Set the World on Fire* is now available in print on Amazon

Set the World on Fire is now available in print on Amazon. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE BOOK HAS BEEN PUBLISHED IN THREE VOLUMES, as the book exceeds the printer's page limit.

Volume I, which includes Chapters 1 through 5, can be purchased here.

Volume II, which includes Chapters 6 through 10, can be purchased here.

Volume III, which includes Chapters 11 through 13, can be purchased here.

For a full explanation of the book, its contents, and its publication history, see here

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Evolve or Die

In this video I discuss the banning of my book Set the World on Fire as the latest episode in the leftist censorship campaign being waged by Silicon Valley, the SPLC, the ADL, et al.


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Alfred, Lord Tennyson, "Ulysses"

Recorded in honor of the birth of my son Beowulf Odysseus Invictus

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

The Witches' Sabbath: Lammas MMXVIII

The Witches' Sabbath is a poem cycle demonstrating the Manson murders as a series of initiatory rituals. It is available for purchase at Amazon. This is a video explaining the book, its content & themes:

 “The Devil is beautiful.”
- Sharon Marie Tate

I.          Eye of the Devil                    
II.         The Witches’ Sabbath                     
III.       All of Them Witches           
IV.       Angelic Acid Magick                             
V.         Desert Doves                                                        
VI.       The Wretched of the Earth         
VII.      Gorgeous/Filth                                 
VIII.    Deadly Nightshade                                    
IX.       Death to Pigs          
X.        Satanic Blood Orgy          
XI.       The Sacred Hunt                
XII.      Unfulfilled Desires          
XIII.    Passion of the Son of Man
XIV.    The Second Coming                        
XV.      Christ in the City of Angels