All is burning: it is the end


Triduum (Feast Days 2012)

gods of darkness (Samhain 2012)

Gods of Light (Imbolc 2013)

The Tower (Beltane 2013)

Invocation of Iðunn (Sirius Rising 2012) 

Aeon (Lughnasadh 2013)

Rite of Pan (Samhain 2013)

Alostraël (Imbolc 2014)

Hades (Imbolc 2014)

The Seven Seals (Summer Solstice 2014)

All-Devourer (New Year’s Day 2015)

from Sun & God’s keep (Fall Equinox 2016)

Publication Date: 01 January 2018

Purchase Link: This book has been banned. See here for a full explanation. All is burning: it is the end will be republished on the Fall Equinox.